Department of Justice Obtains $8.4 Million Settlement in Baron & Budd Whistleblower Lawsuit Against Food City
Food City allegedly failed in its duties under the Controlled Substances Act to resolve prescription red flags and refuse to fill unusual or medically unnecessary [...]
DOJ Files Complaint in Intervention in Baron & Budd Whistleblower Lawsuit Against CVS Pharmacy
CVS Pharmacy allegedly fueled and profited from the opioid epidemic by repeatedly dispensing controlled substances without a legitimate medical purpose. Washington, D.C. -- Today, the [...]
New Department of Defense Cyber Rules Could Mean Fraud
Recently, the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) finalized its Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) rule. The rule is designed to increase protection of sensitive information [...]
CFTC Takes First Ever Action Against Fraud in the Voluntary Carbon Credit Market
Voluntary carbon credit markets allow companies and individuals to offset their carbon emissions by purchasing credits from projects that reduce or remove CO2. Owing to [...]
TD Bank Pleads Guilty to Bank Secrecy Act Violations and Money Laundering Conspiracy, Agrees to Pay $3.1 Billion
Last week, TD Bank N.A. (TDBNA) and its parent company TD Bank US Holding Company (TDBUSH) pleaded guilty to felony charges of conspiring to commit [...]
DOJ Criminal Division Officially Launches Corporate Whistleblower Awards Pilot Program
Earlier this year, Deputy AG Lisa Monaco announced that the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) was launching a pilot program that would financially reward whistleblowers [...]
How Whistleblowers Are Crucial in the Protection of the Inflation Reduction Act’s $27 Billion Green Bank Fund
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022 was a $740 billion law passed to reduce the federal deficit, fight inflation, invest in domestic energy production [...]
Department of Justice Obtains $409 Million Settlement in Baron & Budd Whistleblower Lawsuit Against Rite Aid
The lawsuit is the first of its kind using the False Claims Act to bring a claim against a major retail pharmacy for its opioid [...]
Consulting Companies on the Hook for $11.3 Million For Failing to Comply with Cybersecurity Requirements
This week, Guidehouse Inc. and Nan McKay and Associates (Nan McKay) agreed to pay $11.3 million to settle claims that they violated the False Claims [...]